A PC For Video Editing

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    I think this may be my final decision on a build I am making for someone. The build is for Video Editing primarily. Below is feedback I have received about it before.

    Any other thoughts about it? https://pcpartpicker.com/list/348hYg

    • The Ram and ssd are a bit overpriced, and A friend of mine got a kit of Corsair vengeance RGB and it didn’t even XMP to 3200mhz.
    • And if you’re not editing or rendering a lot then swap the 970 Evo to a mx500/t force Vulcan/ l5 lite 3d. And 3060 ti for almost the price of a 3070. I Haven’t done much research on the b550 a pro tho so can’t really say if it’s a good motherboard

    The board isn’t the best, but it’ll do, overclocking wise it doesn’t really have all that much but I don’t suspect you’ll be doing any of that. I mean the samsung SSD is a bit on the “premium” side but it’s a lot faster than eg an mx500. If you’ll see the difference I’m not sure. The ram yes, just get regular RGB ones, I didn’t spot the “Pro” on your ram, you don’t need that. For the rest of the pricing, unfortunately that’s just how the prices are right now, you can either wait until everything drops back to msrp or you have to pay more,

    Either way, how do you plan on (possibly) doing a bios update? Are you going to do it yourself or have a retailer handle it?


    Also keep in mind for future reference:

    A cheaper nvme drive (such as the kingston a2000) will cost you 100$ for about 1TB of storage, the same generally kind of goes with SATA ssd, they’ll be around 90$ for 1TB so the price difference isn’t neccessarily that much while the speed difference is, but the Samsung m.2 over eg. a crucial or kingston one that’ll cost you 30$ less wouldn’t be that much of an improvement

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