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iPhone XR, XS, And XS Max Impressions: Are The Prices Really Worth It?

iPhone XS

iPhone XS: Here I will be reviewing the new iPhone XS, XR, and iPhone XS Max. I noticed that there are many new lows and many new highs with these phones

iPhone XS

If you can think of a situation where Apple has hit a new high and a new low with there smartphones, these 3 new smartphones take the award for this.  I realized that there are more similarities than differences between them. So is it worth the almost $1500 buy just to use the new features or just the idea of upgrading your already high-quality smartphone to this smartphone? To me, this entire thing seems very sketchy. Image from Consumer Reports

The Outcasting XR, The iPhone XS, And XS Max

The iPhone XR is most likely more of a marketing experiment Apple wanted to do out of the three new iPhone’s they have created. They toned down the advancements with this smartphone to bring down the high price to then see how well it will then perform in sales. The smartphone is kind of like an iPhone X in some ways but it’s also like the earlier generations like the iPhone 7 or 8, and surprisingly, the iPhone XR is doing fairly good for most people

Last years iPhone X could supply you 64 to 256GB’s worth of storage, but for the new iPhone XR, you might as well get the same storage deal since you can get 64GB, 128GB, and the 256GB’s. It seems pointless to choose the 128GB’s when you can just use the X’s storage deals. But if you don’t care too much about the expanded storage amounts the XR is still a money saver to the almost $1,500 you could buy if you were to buy the other two expensive ones.

The XR’s size has been sized to 6.1 inches, unlike the iPhone X which is 5.5 inches and the XS Max which is 6.5 inches making it all fairly big. The S7 which I’ve examined in the past can already be pretty big at it being 5.1 inches, but we’ll just have to see ourselves what we can get from the XR’s size

New A12 Bionic Chip For The Phones

Another theorized idea I have about these three X smartphones being released or at least announced so early is possibly due to the new A12 Bionic Chip. All three smartphones have the A12 Bionic Chip. Even the XR, so it makes you think, maybe if I could buy this phone for $750 with the better A12 chip, I could save almost $300 from buying an A11 iPhone X.

Any phone above $1,000, is overpriced. If not said enough. As a smartphone owner, one of my biggest concerns is how much storage it can tolerate as this can negatively obviously affect the performance of the device over time. For both the iPhone XS and XS Max which are $1500 and $2000. 

The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 which I called the “Battle Royale Gaming” smartphone has a specific heater on the back of the smartphones which makes the playing experience better for you. But now on the contrary to that, the A12 Bionic Chip has a similar concept. It’s almost like how most modern smartphones have an automatic lighting feature, all these specifications to give you the perfect photo.

This concept now comes to the games you play on your smartphone now. I would rather have a clearer gaming screen than a cooled down smartphone though. This has changed my mind about that.

In Conclusion

I would have to choose iPhone XR. Like most people, you want a low priced iPhone, and this one is better and is cheaper than the iPhone X. Most people can agree, and my final rating for these smartphones would be [star rating=”3.5″]